Home Young Adult Ministry

Young Adult Ministry

The UGCC Young Adults’ Ministry promotes discipleship and evangelism among young adults
in the United Ghanaian Community Church. It offers inspiration, opportunities and growth and
developmental resources for our young adults.
The Young Adults’ Ministry focuses in addressing the following four questions as they relate to
young adults:

  • Faith Formation – Whose am I?
    Young Adult Ministry in the UGCC exists to help young adults come face-to-face with
    the one in whose image they have been formed and articulate faith in the triune God.
  • Identity Discovery – Who am I?
    Young Adult Ministry in the UGCC exists to help young adults discover and claim who
    they are and further to realize and put to use their unique gifts and passions that have
    been endowed upon them by God.
  • Vocation Discernment – Why am I?
    Young Adult Ministry in the UGCC exists to help young adults live out their callings or
    vocations in ways that help our neighbors and share the love of Christ with them.
  • Leadership Development – How am I?
    Young Adult Ministry in the UGCC exists to help young adults grow as servant
    leaders,as they engage in acts of service, justice and peace in the world.

Our Young Adults’ Ministry is led by the UGCC Young Adults’ Fellowship